whip cream

Sweet Aquafaba Whip (Meringue)


Aquafaba is a magical thing! Whatever genius decided chickpea liquid could be whipped up into a light, perfect, fluffy, could needs a trophy, hug, high five, and a million dollars as far as I am concerned.

Original aquafaba is used often as an egg replacer in baked goods.. This versions has a good bit of sugar in it, so it whips up to a sweet, glossy cloud, that can be used in place of whip cream, or as a perfect vegan meringue.

Just like meringue, this aquafaba will brown beautiful in the oven, and works great for pies, cakes, banana pudding, or anything else that would need a vegan meringue.

So lets just give a big ol HECK YES to the brain that realized this magic, and may all of your pies be covered in the most glorious vegan meringue from this day forward.


  • 1 can of chickpea liquid, or liquid from any white bean

  • 3/4 cups sugar

  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar, or salt (this stabilizes the whip)


  1. Add chickpea liquid, sugar, and cream or tarter or salt to a stand mixer or a large bowl if you are using an electric hand mixer.

  2. Beat on high for about 10 minutes. I know this seems like a long time, and it will seem like the cream/meringue is not going to come together, but it will. You will know its done when stiff peeks form, and it becomes kind of shiny, and glossy.

  3. You can use the aquafaba as a whip cream as is, or use it as meringue. It will brown very nicely in the oven, and honestly most people never know it is not egg meringue.

  4. You can refrigerate any lefterovers and use with 2-3 days. You will just have to rebeat the whip because it will start to turn back to its liquid form. But don’t worry, it will rewhip to its original tasty glory in a few minutes.