ice cream

Vegan Coconut Chocolate Blondie Skillet Sundae

A closeup of the ice cream on a Vegan Coconut Chocolate Blondie Skillet Sundae

I waited tables for years durning college at Chili's. You know “I want my baby back, baby back….” that Chili’s.

One of our most popular desserts at the time was something called the Paradise Pie. It was basically a chocolate coconut blondie in a cinnamon buttery skillet, topped with ice cream, caramel, and fudge sauce, sprinkled in chopped nuts.

How many of these did I eat over the years I worked there? I would honestly hate to know the real number. Lets just say A LOT, because they are addictive. My husband (who also spent some time waiting tables there) and I were talking about this glorious dessert the other day with our kids and decided it had to be veganized. They had to know the glory and wonder of this perfect dessert.

The 13 year old baking wonder had already perfected an amazing vegan blondie recipe, so I had her add coconut and chocolate chips and a graham cracker crust. The result was perfection and tasted just like I remembered it. Mind you it has been a gazillion years at least since I have had the real thing. We topped it with vanilla ice cream and our easy vegan caramel and fudge sauce recipes, and ate ourselves sick.

The kids were fans for sure, and my husband and I were more than excited!

If you have had a Paradise Pie, then you know! If not, then let me urge you to blow your diet on this! You might regret it a little, but will probably get over it pretty fast.

Also thanks Chili’s for helping me pay my rent through college and for all the friends I made working there, that I am still friends with to this day. Lets share a vegan Paradise Pie the next time we get together!


  • 1 cup melted vegan butter

  • 2 cups brown sugar

  • 2 egg replacers (powdered or flax egg)

  • 2 teaspoons vanila extract

  • 2 cups all purpose flour

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 cup mini vegan chocolate chips

  • 1/3 cup shredded coconut

  • 1 sleeve graham crackers

  • 3 tablespoons melted butter

  • 1 batch vegan fudge sauce

  • 1 batch vegan caramel sauce

  • plant based vanilla ice cream

  • 1/4 cup chopped walnuts

  • 2 tablespoons butter mixed with 1 teaspoon cinnamon (for the skillet)

A bite of Vegan Coconut Chocolate Blondie Skillet Sundae on a spoon

A bite of Vegan Coconut Chocolate Blondie Skillet Sundae on a spoon


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  1. Place graham crackers in a blender or food process and pulse until they are finely ground to a sandy consistency. Mix in the 3 tablespoons of melted butter. Press the mixture into a 8x8 baking pan and bake for 10 minutes.

  2. While the crust is baking, mix the sugar with the melted butter, and vanilla. Mix in the flour and salt until well combined. Stir in the coconut and chocolate chips.

  3. Pour batter over the graham cracker crust and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour on the middle oven rack. The blondies will seem a little gooey and soft even once they are done, but will firm up once cooled.

  4. Allow blondies to cool before cutting.

  5. Place the butter and cinnamon mixture in an iron skillet. You can use a small casserole dish as well if you do not have a skillet. Pop the skillet into the oven and let the butter melt. Place 4-5 blondies in the skillet and pop back in the oven for about 5 minutes.

  6. Remove from oven and top with 3-4 scoops of ice cream, fudge sauce, caramel sauce, and chopped walnuts.

  7. Serves about 4. You can always add more blondies and more toppings to the skillet to serve more.

If you like this recipe, try these:

Nostalgic Vegan Ice Cream Cake ( Dairy Queen)

Vegan Southern Strawberry Shortcake


Southern Vegan Strawberry Shortcake

Southern strawberry shortcake a la mode garnished with mint

I had always eaten strawberry shortcake on angel food cake, or short bread. I would imagine this is how most people have eaten it.

That is until I began waiting tables in college, and the restaurant where I worked served it on fluffy biscuits.

My mind was blown, y’all. How was I raised in the south, and nobody in my family ever thought to do this. From that point on, it has been the ONLY way I want to eat strawberry shortcake.

Trust me when I tell you that you will probably be swayed as well.

We started with our fluffy southern vegan biscuit recipe, used our sweet aquafaba whip, some vegan vanilla ice cream, and topped it all with a quick strawberry compote. You could even up your game and add vegan strawberry ice cream in place to the vanilla.

You are a grown person, and you can do WHATEVER THE HECK YOU WANT TO DO!!! I mean, as long as its legal! You know what I am saying…

This southern vegan strawberry shortcake is seriously heaven on a plate!! So y’all, go make bake up a batch of biscuits right this minute and get ready to be real happy!



  1. Prepare biscuits according to recipe.

  2. Prepare Sweet Aquafaba Whip according to instructions. You can rewhip any leftovers easily, or bake up meringues with it!

  3. Add frozen strawberries and sugar to a medium sized pot over medium heat. Once the strawberries are melted, lower the heat and let the mixture simmer for about 15 minutes stirring often. You want the strawberries broken down and a strawberry syrup to form in the pot. Let cool for 10 minutes.

  4. To serve, slice biscuits in half and place on a plate. We normally use 1 and 1/2 biscuits per serving. Scoop some strawberries on top of the biscuits. Add a scoop of ice cream and a dollop of sweet aquafaba whip. Drizzle with more strawberries.

Serves 4-6

Overhead view of a souther strawberry shortcake a la mode, garnished with mint.

vegan strawberry shortcake with fluffy southern vegan biscuits

Vegan Churro Ice Cream Sandwiches

Vegan Vanilla and Chocolate Churro Ice Cream Sandwiches

If you are a fan of churros and ice cream, then we have the perfect dessert for you! On a recent trip to Walt Disney World we saw someone walking around with a churro ice cream sandwich, and we instantly knew what we would be making once we got home! Mickey never fails us! I mean its genius really, and I am not sure why we didn’t think of it ourselves. Deliciously creamy vegan ice cream, sandwiched between crispy, chewy, perfectly fried cinnamon-sugar-coated vegan churros. Nothing not to love here…nothing! You can use any ice cream you like. We used almond milk chocolate and vanilla. I honestly can’t say which is my favorite, so I just ate one of each! You can also freeze these tasty treats for later, so don’t worry about trying to eat them all at once, but if I am being perfectly honest, that wouldn’t be hard either! So this summer, step up your ice cream sandwich game with vegan churros! I don’t think you will be sad that you did.


  • 4 cups all purpose flour

  • 1/4 cup vegan butter, room temp

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1/4 cup sugar

  • 2 cups water

  • neutral oil for frying (we use grapeseed oil or canola oil)

  • 1 cup sugar plus 2 tablespoons cinnamon (this is for coating the fried churros)

  • Plant based ice cream. (we used vanilla and chocolate)


  1. Heat a medium size pot over medium heat. Add the water, sugar, and salt. Cook unit the sugar has dissolved.

  2. Add in the butter and let it melt in the water mixture. Remove from heat.

  3. Stir in the flour and mix until well combined.

  4. Add the mixture to a piping bag fitted with medium to large star tip. If you do not have a piping bag or star tip, you can add the batter to a zip lock bag and snip a tiny piece of the corner.

  5. Add 1 cup of sugar and 4 teaspoons of cinnamon to a small bowl and set aside.

  6. Heat a few inches of oil in a deep skillet or pot. You need enough oil that the churros can float in the oil, and not hit the bottom of the pot. You want the temperature of the oil around 350 - 375 degrees. If you do not have a candy thermometer for testing the oil temperature, you can poke a chop stick or wooden skewer into the oil. If bubbles form around the chop stick, it’s ready. You can also just let it heat for several minutes, and try a little dough at first before trying a whole churro.

  7. Line a baking sheet with some paper towels and place a wire cooling rack on top.

  8. Once the oil is ready, pipe a circle by making a swirl with the batter. I like to do 2 at a time so I can try and get them an equal size. Allow they churros to fry on each side for about a minute or until they are golden brown. Place finished churros on the wire rack to cool for a minute. Once they are cool enough to handle, coat the churros in the sugar and cinnamon mixture.

  9. Once churros are completely cool, make sandwiches by adding a scoop of plant based ice cream or homemade nice cream between two churros. Serve right away or you can freeze these sandwiches for later. You just have to let them sit at room temperature for a few minutes to allow the churro to thaw enough to bite through!

Serves 6 - 8 depending on the size you make your churros.

If you like this recipe, try these:

Nostalgic Vegan Ice Cream Cake (Dairy Queen)

Vegan Banana Pudding Milkshake

Chocolate, Peanut butter, Banana Nice cream

Vegan Chocolate Churro Ice Cream Sandwich

Step up you ice cream sandwich game with these delicious vegan churro ice cream sandwiches. Summer just got a lot tastier.

Nostalgic Vegan Ice Cream Cake (Dairy Queen)


Every year when I was a kid I hoped and wished my parents would get me a Dairy Queen classic ice cream cake for my birthday.

I think I got a few over the years, but would have happily eaten that cake every day of my life.

A fudgy cookie bottom, chocolate ice cream, more fudge, vanilla ice cream, coved in frozen whipped topping.

It’s every ice cream lovers dream, and nobody did it like the Dairy Queen.

Recreating a vegan version of this ice cream cake is actually really simple, but it will take some time. If you want it for dessert then start it in the morning or if you want it for an afternoon birthday party, prepare it the night before.

Sometimes you just cant rush perfection, or make ice cream freeze faster than it wants to in this case.

If you have never experianced the joy and bliss of this DQ wonder, then I am truly sorry, but hey, now you can try it in all of it’s vegan form and glory!

Does this make me the Vegan Dairy Queen?? Just let me dream, Y’all!


  • 3 pints non dairy vanilla ice cream

  • 1 pint non dairy chocolate ice cream

  • 1 regular sized package of chocolate cream filled sandwich cookies

  • 2 cups vegan fudge sauce (recipe below)

  • 2-3 cups Sweet Aquafaba Whip

  • optional: vegan sprinkles


  • 1/3 cup coconut oil

  • 3 tablespoons white sugar

  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup

  • 1/3 cup dark cocoa powder

  • 1 cup chopped vegan dark chocolate or chocolate chips

  • 3/4 cups full fat coconut milk

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Start by letting the chocolate ice cream sit out on the counter to soften while you prepare the fudge.

  2. Make the fudge sauce by adding all of the ingredients minus the chopped chocolate and vanilla to a medium sauce pan over medium/low heat. Allow the mixture to come to a simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring continuously, allowing the mixture to thicken. Remove from heat.

  3. Stir in the chopped chocolate and vanilla, and continue stirring until all of the chocolate has melted. It should be thick and glossy. Set aside.

  4. Crush up the entire pack of sandwich cookies. You can put them into a food processor and pulse until they are nice and crushed, or you place them in large zip lock and roll over them with a rolling pin, or crush them using a kitchen mallet.

  5. Place crushed cookies in a large bowl and stir in one cup of the chocolate fudge (the recipe makes 2 cups of fudge so just use half)

  6. Line the bottom of a 9 inch inch spring form pan with a circle of parchment paper. Take half of the cookie mixture and press it evenly into the bottom of the spring form.

  7. Empty the chocolate ice cream into a medium size bowl and stir it until it is nice and smooth. You dont want it totally melted, you want it the consistency of soft serve so it will spread evenly.

  8. Spread the chocolate ice cream evenly over the chocolate cookie bottom and pop the pan in the freezer for 20-30 minutes to let the ice cream firm back up.

  9. Take the vanilla ice cream out of the freezer and let it soften up.

  10. Remove pan form the freezer and, spread the remaining cookie mixture evenly over the chocolate ice cream. Pour the remaining 1 cup of fudge over the cookie mixture and spread evenly as well. Pop pan back in the freezer for 10-15mintues

  11. Dump all three containers of vanilla ice cream into a large bowl and stir them up until they are also creamy and smooth like soft serve.

  12. Spread the vanilla ice cream evenly over the fudge layer and place back in the freezer so the whole cake can refreeze and firm up. You can press on the cake in the center to see if it seems frim after about 3 or 4 hours. If not, let it stay in the freezer for another hour or until the center seems nice and frozen.

  13. While the cake is freezing, prepare the Sweet Aquafaba Whip. Once the cake seems frozen through, remove from the spring form pan. Coat the entire cake in a thick layer of the whip. You can pipe stars along the rim and add sprinkles if you like. Pop the cake back into the freezer for about an hour to let the whip firm up.

  14. To serve, fill a tall glass with hot water and drop a sharp knife into the glass for a few minutes. Dry off the knife and cut the cake. The hot knife will cut more easily through the frozen cake. Store any leftovers back in the freezer.
